Consignors Corner

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Savvy Moms Unite - OGOP is YOUR SALE! More Volunteers = A better run ONLINE sale!

OGOP is able to organize upscale children’s consignment sale events across Canada because of our incredible Volunteers! When you volunteer you get to shop the Pre-Sale before the public and even consignors! Why Volunteer?

  • GET FIRST DIBS... choosing best merchandise selection at the lowest prices
  • EARN MORE... when consigning and up to 75%
  • PRE-SALE PASS... You get to shop the ONLINE SALE BEFORE we unlock it and open it up to the public!
  • Our 4 hour volunteer shifts are easy peasy and NO experience is needed. You do not need to be a consignor to volunteer to shop the Pre-Sale EXTRAVAGANZA. There are many ways you can help out and volunteer with us. Volunteer shifts fill up really fast so if you are interested, do not delay signing up.

    Consignors who volunteer, earn more and shop the Volunteer Pre-Sale EXTRAVAGANZA before consignor who do not volunteer

    • FOUR SHIFT VOLUNTEERS EARN 75% - Consignors who volunteer for four (4) four (3) hour shifts earn 75% and simply Pre-Sale before anyone else in world :)
    • THREE SHIFT VOLUNTEERS EARN 75% - Consignors who volunteer for three (4) four (3) hour shifts earn 75% and shop the Pre-Sale before two shift and one shift volunteers
    • TWO SHIFT VOLUNTEERS EARN 70% - Consignors who volunteer for two (2) four (4) hour shifts earn 70% and shop the Pre-Sale before one shift volunteers
    • ONE SHIFT VOLUNTEERS EARN 65% - Consignors who volunteer for one (1) four (4) hour shift earn 65% and shop the Pre-Sale EXTRAVAGANZA before consignors who do not volunteer


    All volunteers are in person and will be during our Consignor drop-off of SOLD items and during the shopper fulfillment and pick-up process. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your shift beginning. All

    This will give you time to sign-in and participate in a quick volunteer orientation. If you show up late, you will miss orientation and may FORFEIT your shift. OGOP has hundreds of volunteers and coordinating/orientating them takes time. Please be respectful to your peers and arrive on time :)

    Majority of volunteer shifts will be in person on… Consignor Drop-Off, Order Fulfilment and Shopper Pick Up days. Some shifts will be available online and this will depend solely on a persons skill set and work needed.

    Socially Distanced and Safe: All volunteer shifts will be socially distanced with a lot of space to move around. Hand sanitizer upon entering and leaving the venue. Gloves will be available for those who wish to wear them. Limited amount of volunteers in the building at any given time adhering to all local Public Health authorities, guidelines and restrictions. NOTHING is more important than everyone’s safety!

    A separate Volunteer Agreement must be completed and turned in before your 1st shift. If you are volunteering for more than one shift, we will pull your agreement and verbally confirm you are healthy with no COVID symptoms

    All volunteer shifts will be released within a week of the sale. By doing this, you are better able to commit or not to shifts. It also allows us to open up shifts as needed and based on volumes. When the shifts go live, they will be announced in your Facebook Sellers ONLY group so please… make sure you have joined the group.

    No aprons will be worn. Dress comfy and please bring any snacks and water with you. We are sorry but OGOP will not be supplying water this season for safety reasons

    Shift NO-SHOW Fee; If you cannot show up for your shift – please notify us ASAP, a $20 fee per missed shift may be deducted from your consignor cheque

    There are NO easy sit down shifts for the Online Sale. Modified shifts may be available but it will depend on Public Health and our venue capacity restrictions. We want to accommodate and hope we can but are unable to confirm at this time

    All volunteer shifts will be hard work for the entire shift because we will be on a tight timeline. You’ll be on your feet constantly running back and forth, bending, sorting and lifting

    Dress in layers! Think of our takedown process for our regular sales - our online sale volunteer shifts are like that but Groundhog Day for three days straight! If you cannot handle this or have limitations - please do not volunteer.

    Children are not permitted during volunteer shifts. We made this decision because safety always comes first with OGOP and with covid restrictions and or social distancing it's just to challenging during the pandemic.

Consignors Corner

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